How to Stop Zoom Snooze Fests

Are the people in your online meetings checking email or watching cat videos instead of paying attention? Here are three Zoom advanced capabilities that you can use to increase participation, plus a bonus that works on any platform.


Why Can’t We Learn?

Dr. Katrina Foxton at MicroBiomics – a rising company in the biotech sector – knows her team is highly talented. Yet on project after project she  sees them fall into the same pitfalls.  Katrina wonders, “Why can’t they learn?” Here’s a technique I use to make team learning fast and easy.


When Mentoring and Teaching Don’t Stick

Research shows that different people learn in different ways. When you understand what learning style works best for the person you are helping, you can tune your approach to be more effective.


We’re All Teachers Now

Teaching is an important part of being a leader, whether it is informal mentoring, setting up a formal professional development program, or creating a workshop for your team.    Here is a simple  technique you can use to transfer your knowledge more effectively.
