Pint-size Portfolio Management

This simple dashboard for a small portfolio it is a great way to communicate, monitor status, and encourage good discussions about what projects can or should be undertaken.


Collaboration in Cyberspace

It’s hard to do highly interactive activities in the online work world we’re all stuck in. Here’s how to use a virtual whiteboard and stickies to help.


How Organizations Change

Organizations are constantly confronted with the need to change.  So let’s look at what change management experts say about changing an organization.


How People React to Change

Change always swirls around us – it is one of the hallmarks of our era.  But it is especially visible in this unprecedented time of pandemic, economic disruption, and pressing […]


The Bozo Box

I suddenly remembered the Bozo Box! Let me explain.  Last week, the Portfolio and Project Leaders’ Forum hosted Dorota Shortell, CEO of Simplexity Product Development.  She spoke about how she […]
